Lisa Jordan & Smart Little Coach aka "Toad"
​Winning Level 2 Ranch Horse Saddle at the 2013 Colorado State Fair
Thank you to Lindsay Wadham's  and the Colorado State Fair

Lisa and Toad were a dynamic team and a force to be reckoned in the show pen. Their ability to compete consistently and acquire amazing scores down the fence made them hard to beat. The pictures on the right were taken during her first 75 point cow work run. You can watch the run here. Showing Toad provided her with some amazing rides and scores. They knew that they would go far and be healthy competition at the AQHYA World Show. 
They competed at the AQHYA World Show in 2012 & 2013 where they placed Top 10 in 2013 in Working Cowhorse.​ They also qualified for the World in reining.

Lisa now rides for Texas A&M on their Equestrian Team.

Toad is retired living fat and happy at their home in Parker, CO.​​​​
Lisa Jordan
Smart Little Coach